Virtual account by order

Virtual Account (VA) for orders is a payment automation solution with outstanding advantages: Each order is assigned a unique VA, the VA only accepts the exact payment amount, it automatically deactivates after successful payment or expires after a specified time, and it integrates quickly and conveniently. Currently, SePay offers customers a payment solution similar to those of major corporations such as Vietnam Airlines and VinMart.

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SePay payment gateway Haravan

High accuracy

Each order is assigned a unique VA, ensuring precise payment matching.

Simple & Automated

No reliance on payment descriptions due to VAs being individually assigned to each order.

Absolute Safety

The VA is automatically deactivated after successful payment or expiration, completely preventing duplicate payments.


Similar to the payment models used by major companies like Vietnam Airlines and VinMart.

How it works

Ngân hàng SePay WebApp Khách hàng Ngân hàng SePay WebApp Khách hàng 1. Đặt hàng 2. Tạo đơn hàng 3. Hiển thị thông tin 4. Thanh toán 5. Thông báo GD 6. Gửi webhook 7. Xác nhận Đặt hàng trên webapp Tạo đơn hàng (POST /orders) Trả về thông tin đơn hàng và thông tin thanh toán Hiển thị thông tin thanh toán (Thông tin chuyển khoản và số tiền) Quét mã/Chuyển khoản thanh toán Thông báo giao dịch thành công Gửi webhook thông báo có giao dịch mới Hiển thị xác nhận thanh toán thành công

See instructions

Comparison of static VA and order VA

static VA VA by order Hot
Use for Each point of sale Each order
Accuracy Depends on the transfer content Accuracy is ensured by assigning a unique VA to each order,
which only accepts the exact payment amount for that order
Payment risk It is likely to happen if the customer scans the code multiple times Not happening, as VA automatically cancels after payment
System integration Fast, simple API and webhook integration takes time

Service fees

  • Please contact SePay for cost quote
  • Supports BIDV Business Accounts, with plans to expand to other banks in the future

Suitable object

  • Small & medium enterprises: can choose static VA or main account numbers with a simple confirmation mechanism
  • Large corporations: opt for order-based VAs to enhance user experience and optimize payment processes

Frequently Asked Questions

Virtual Account by Order or Order-specific Virtual Account, also referred to as Payment Automation Account, is a solution for automating payment confirmation for BIDV business accounts.

Order-based virtual accounts offer outstanding advantages, such as assigning a unique VA for each order, accepting only the exact payment amount, automatically deactivating after successful payment or expiration, and being easy to integrate quickly and conveniently.

All information related to integrating virtual accounts by order. Please see the details here.
Currently, SePay only supports BIDV for businesses, with plans to expand to other banks in the future.

Dedicated support

Just one call away to solve all your questions!

SePay is committed to providing dedicated customer support. We accompany you throughout the entire service usage process

SePay payment gateway Haravan
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